A Sampling of Susan’s Published Works

A Pinpoint in the Dark

She took no pleasure in sunny days;how a shadow fell on pavement,an eddy of dust on a desolate corner,the reek of hot asphalt in an…

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Tilting her head back, my mother peers into the bathroom mirror and puts on her lipstick in three deft moves – quick strokes left and…

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The sky was a deep, inky blue studded with stars. There was no moon, so no moonlight, which was all to the good. I had…

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On a hot Sunday afternoon in July my father is out in the backyard listening to a baseball game on the radio. The announcer’s voice…

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Late November – gray, cold, grim. The radio blared Christmas music between bulletins about a fire at a grade school. A report on the number…

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Girls in White Dresses

Three little Mexican girls in frilly white dresses run up and down the hallway in their sock feet, trilling in delight. They slide on the…

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